Thursday, April 21, 2011

National Weed Day

Apparently, yesterday was National Weed Day.
okay, right, don't do drugs!! and i'll tell you of how March 20, or 4-20, became Weed Day

So sometime in the past (so specific, I know), the teenagers in real life, or some hit movie, can't remember, would smoke weed at 4:20 PM. This soon became the time that weed was supposed to be smoked.
Okay. Don't do drugs.
And have a nice day :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


it's a page
look to the right
see it?


Before taking a delicious Advil tablet, I was on the verge of crying, "Now I think I'll go have a nice vomit."
     Was I just being lazy and pretending to be sick so I didn't have to go to track practice? Okay, I understand that it's perfectly justified to think that. But give me some credit! If I  was skipping track practice out of laziness, I'd be upfront about it.

     So that was my intro to the next part of this post, which is a step-by-step procedure of how Somi recovers from SickySick-ness.
Step 1: Pine until I am noticed
Step 2: Become upset when people start laughing instead of being concerned that their idol and role model is feeling down
Step 3: Go home and fall asleep
Step 4: Wake up. Discover that in order to get out of bed, I must move my limbs.
Step 5: Give up and go back to sleep
Step 6: After about ten hours, I finally decide to take some medication
Step 7: Pine until the medication starts to kick in
Step 8: Feel a bit better

See, a normal person can just skip the first five steps, but this is how artistic people do it. By artistic, I mean stupid in creative ways.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

An Empty Bookstore.... the saddest sight in the world. Well. Second saddest sight in the world, next to dead roadkill on the road (that was redundant). We were going to go to Borders to take advantage of their going bankrupt and buy cheap books. But, alas, ALL THE BOOKS WERE GONE.
      A sad sight indeed.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Strawberries and the Science Fair

I'm going to start this post with an old story, passed down from generation to generation of my dog-eating Korean family... Okay, not really. I've never eaten dog before, and this story took place about four years ago. WHATEVER.
     So my dad had come home from a business trip from... somewhere. I think it was New York. Anyway, he bought us all presents. I was very disappointed at my gift: a bottle of Strawberry Shortcake Perfume, of which I still have. I know, I shouldn't have been disappointed because it was gift full of thought and love. But--
     I was kind of a brat. (I hid it very well, under the pretense of "she's just shy")
     Even my eight-year-old self knew that strawberries did not really smell like artificial sugar. Today, I found out what strawberries really smell like. They smell like meadows and sunshine, like condensed rainbow glitter and dewdrops.
     Moving on.
     I have decided upon the topic for my science fair project! I am doing... GLOW STICKS! (audience applauds)
Okay, ciao for now~

Monday, April 11, 2011

Greek Yogurt and Athleticism

Hey, y'all (imagine in a cowgirl voice for full effect)!! At the moment, I am eating Greek yogurt, because it has a lot of protein. It's like, liquid beef. And blueberry flavored. With less sodium and carbohydrates than regular yogurt. Like how I made it sound like I already knew that? Well, if you don't know me well, I DIDN'T. I Googled it. In any case, I'll eat it if only because it makes me feel more culturally rounded. It's like how eating American cheese makes you feel more patriotic.
       To my second point: why I'm trying to eat protein in the first place. Well, I just got back from track practice! Yup, the kind where you move more than just your thumbs. I read somewhere that you build more muscle by eating protein after exercising, and it'd be great to last more than four and a half seconds in an arm wrestle. Although, thinking of it now, running doesn't strain your arms much (sigh).
      Anyway, you know that feeling you get after completing a really big project that you've been working on for a very long time? Like that satisfaction? Well, I'm a hardcore procrastinator, so I don't. But this is what I'd imagine it feels like. IT HURTS SO GOOD.