Monday, April 11, 2011

Greek Yogurt and Athleticism

Hey, y'all (imagine in a cowgirl voice for full effect)!! At the moment, I am eating Greek yogurt, because it has a lot of protein. It's like, liquid beef. And blueberry flavored. With less sodium and carbohydrates than regular yogurt. Like how I made it sound like I already knew that? Well, if you don't know me well, I DIDN'T. I Googled it. In any case, I'll eat it if only because it makes me feel more culturally rounded. It's like how eating American cheese makes you feel more patriotic.
       To my second point: why I'm trying to eat protein in the first place. Well, I just got back from track practice! Yup, the kind where you move more than just your thumbs. I read somewhere that you build more muscle by eating protein after exercising, and it'd be great to last more than four and a half seconds in an arm wrestle. Although, thinking of it now, running doesn't strain your arms much (sigh).
      Anyway, you know that feeling you get after completing a really big project that you've been working on for a very long time? Like that satisfaction? Well, I'm a hardcore procrastinator, so I don't. But this is what I'd imagine it feels like. IT HURTS SO GOOD.


  1. "It hurts so good" is not proper grammar

    But from one procrastinator to another, i understand

  2. dude we are like, the procrastination QUEENS!
