Wednesday, April 6, 2011

DEVIANTART RANT, ft. That Fugly Imos~

If was a person, I'd slap it! I'd slap it silly! What kind of poop is this?? You have to upload two versions of the same image for it to work (Explanation: deviantart is a site where people upload their art and get feedback and stuff). One has to be the normal size and one has to be less than 150x150 pixels. TOTAL stupidity! No, not even partial stupidity! I mean, total, ABSOLUTE idiocy. RAAARGH (Somi turns into T-rex, swiping down all images less than 150 pixels) Okay. I'm calm now. I guess it's not THAT stupid, but for goodness' sake, you're one heck of a huge website, Deviantart. This is a very simple courtesy you can offer me. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO CONDENSE AN IMAGE! Gosh darn it (pouts).

Entering the realm normal people live in, I should tell you about my day.

The Sarah G's (that sounds like an indie pop band!) came over today. We watched The Matrix, baked pre-packaged brownies of which there are very few of now, thank you very much brownie-lovin' big bro, and walked to Rite Aid. I also realized the part of me that is Imos. Imos is guy version of Somi, and he's a total poser. He wore this totally tacky baseball cap and stole his brother's shirt and PE shorts. What a jerk.

1 comment:

  1. haha yep and sarah 1 was all pimp with his hoes XD that was so fun! i liked the hat... Imos also sat on the floor like a dead person and i dragged him around... or was that somi?
