Monday, April 4, 2011

New Nano, Taro Pudding, and Spilled Cereal!

Have you seen the new iPod nano? It's the size of a shuffle, except it has a screen. And guess who has one? Well, while I was buying mine, I think I saw the Easter Bunny checkin' it out. Okay, my urge to crack at least one lame joke has been satiated. Anyway, if you have the observant powers of a hawk, you might have noticed that I emphasized that I bought one for myself. Well, my dad did (thanks, Dad :D). It's pretty tight, yo :)
After that, I ate taro pudding (mm, calorie-festive goodness).
And then I spilled cereal.
Hence the title.


  1. wow spoiled!!! or maybe im just jealous

  2. i dunno if i'm spoiled. my last ipod, which is now broken, was about three years old when i got it and went from my dad to my mom to my grandma to me. but then again, a lot of ppl don't have ipods.... and yes, i think ur jealous too XD

  3. no kidding! (communitychaneel "old folks and phone calls" reference, in case you didn't get it"
