Thursday, April 14, 2011

Strawberries and the Science Fair

I'm going to start this post with an old story, passed down from generation to generation of my dog-eating Korean family... Okay, not really. I've never eaten dog before, and this story took place about four years ago. WHATEVER.
     So my dad had come home from a business trip from... somewhere. I think it was New York. Anyway, he bought us all presents. I was very disappointed at my gift: a bottle of Strawberry Shortcake Perfume, of which I still have. I know, I shouldn't have been disappointed because it was gift full of thought and love. But--
     I was kind of a brat. (I hid it very well, under the pretense of "she's just shy")
     Even my eight-year-old self knew that strawberries did not really smell like artificial sugar. Today, I found out what strawberries really smell like. They smell like meadows and sunshine, like condensed rainbow glitter and dewdrops.
     Moving on.
     I have decided upon the topic for my science fair project! I am doing... GLOW STICKS! (audience applauds)
Okay, ciao for now~


  1. glow sticks and strawberries should not be put on the page

  2. LOL!!! okay so yeah glowsticks do not mix well with strawberries... unless you want glowing strawberries... which is wierd and highly toxic O-O
