Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Fish Hole

I bought this very pretty white fish charm at Zinnia, where random things go to die. BUT! The hole on the fish is too small for a necklace chain! This is my dilemma. This is what would cause me to strike an enchanting "thinking man" pose in a movie. This... is my Fish Hole.
     ["MY FISH HOLE" flashes across screen in white letters. Emotional music plays]
Critics call "My Fish Hole" "Boring," "Seemingly pointless," and "A total waste of my time." Watch it now!

Okay, seriously. I bought this really cool something and I can't use it. It's like how earlier today, my dad got us these really good barbeque pork ribs, but I couldn't eat them because of the medication I'm on. Medication? Yes, medication. For my uncontrollable urge to lick people.


"Mix and Munch is the laziest cafe in the world." -Minu Jun.
And hey! Who can disagree? They serve:
1.Grilled Cheese
2. Cereal
3. Water
I can't help but admire them, though. They turned their laziness into a business. It takes real talent to do nothing, make money, and appear smart.
For that, the Mix and Munch people get an imaginary trophy. You guys rock :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Clue #3: I was LOST but now I am FOUND.

Go, little grasshopper!! Go and find your birthday gift!! :D

Friday, March 25, 2011

Gorgeous Legs

"Whose gorgeous legs?"
You are asking.
Just kidding.
Not really.
OK, to the point! I've recently had an obsession with legs. Thighs, calves, chicken drumsticks, etc. Long legs are so beautiful (refer to NANA). Skinny legs go really well with lots of clothes. Fat thighs or calves have like, character. They could all be characters in a dialogue. Like this!

Skinny L: (whining) I'm so bo-hooored!
Skinny L: So. Booo-hooooored! I want. To do. Something!
Fat T: Shut up, you little brat! You know what I did when I was your age? I was sewing jeans using slaughtered unicorn horns for needles!
Skinny L: (starts shaking) S-slaughtered unicorn horns?
Fat T: That's right! So you better shut that skinny mouth o' yours before I shut it for you!
Long L: Now, now, let's calm down everyone. Skinny Legs, relax. Unicorns don't exist.
Skinny L: (starts sobbing harder)
Long L: And Fat T, you shouldn't be so mean to children.
Fat T:Whatdayou know 'bout children? I don't supposed you ever had no children! Why, I had my first daughter when I was just-
Skinny L: WAAAH! (collapses to ground, racked with tears)
Oprah: (rubbing Skinny L's back) Shh, shh. It's alright now.

...the end.
Ciao ciao, for now~
That rhymes~
I love things that rhyme~
G'night :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I went out shopping for birthday gifts today and I stopped by this store called Zinnia. Everything is pretty much overpriced, but it's so awesome, you buy it anyway. They have the randomest things, like Scrabble letters and pieces of wool. There's a studio in the back so you can take your random things and combine it to make a new, bigger random thing.
I also had a staring match with the store cat.
I lost.
After I finished with Zinnia, I walked to Dino-Farm (short for Dinosaur Farm. But now I just typed it out again and a lot more so I wasted the letters I saved... sigh). I bought a hamburger gummy and it was delicious. For some reason, gummies in the shape of other foods just taste better. It's almost a law of physics.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I got off my lazy butt :)

I crossed about 4 miles on foot today. Clap for me!! I actually exercised outside of PE today.
First, we ran a mile during PE because Mr. Nitzani got pi-iii-ssed. Then, we walked home from school. And THEEN my brother convinced me into going to track practice with him.
So there.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Lazy Monday

Today was a Pupil Free Day. My original plan of working hard and being productive came to a tumbling halt as I overslept and woke up at 10:30 AM. I then proceeded to not work, and instead, went berzerk on Facebook and Gmail. After that totally worthwhile detour, I killed about three hours eating, showering, watching reruns of What I Like About You, and trying not to sleep.  The the five hours between then and now are lost to me, I have no idea what I did. However, I have utmost confidence that it resulted in Absolutely Nothing.
     It is now 7:36 PM and I have completed... one page of math homework. High-five?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Long, Long, LONG Update

We are.... SUPERIOR!
Let me explain.
Today was Band Festival. Our school band performed, and we were rated SUPERIOR. I just feel that has to be emphasized: SUPERIOR. Something that has to be emphasized even more, however, is the fact that Mr. Macomber.... smiled. Yes. That thing you do with your mouth when you're happy (Insert: "ooOOOH, are you thinking something weird?" "Assumption Song! There was an old man-" "OHMYGOSH, NOLAN, SHUT UP"). This is such an awesome phenomenon not even the CAPS button can stress how amazing it is. I like Mr. Macomber's smile. It's like. I dunno. Happy and stuff. Happier than the average person, cuz the average person smiles more. But. Well.
You know.
I still think this is big news.

Next order of business is.. GLEE!
The Regionals episode was surprisingly emotional. They've started this love triangle again between Quinn, Finn, and Rachel. Personally, I think Finn and Rachel should be together, if only for the reason that rhyming couples are tacky. FINN AND QUINN. Gosh, that sounds like a new age cafe, you know? Like the kind of cafe where they serve only organic foods and where they use beer bottles as salt shakers.

And finally... I lost Cheese :(
Now, I know what you're going to say... Have you checked the Lost and Found? No, because I just remembered about that as I typed it.
I'll check the Lost and Found.

Well, that concludes this ridiculously long update! Sayonara!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Maybe I'm Amazed"

So recently, there have been a couple of love songs stuck in my head:
"Marry me John,
Marry me John,
I'll be so good to you." -Marry me, St. Vincent
"Maybe I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time.
Maybe I'm afraid at the way I love you." -Maybe I'm Amazed, Paul McCartney
This combined with the heaps of shoujo romance manga that is already in my bloodstream is like, toxic. I've got love-poisoning.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Wi Spa

Oui oui, Wi Spa! Is it French? No, it's Korean! But.
It's pronounced the same. So!
My dad recently had his 4_th birthday (I'll keep that private information private). We decorated, ate cake, etc. It was a definite improvement over last year, where we all completely forgot: [Dad comes home] Hey guys! It's my birthday! [Us] WHAT?! We celebrated again on Sunday, when we had a family trip to Wi Spa, AKA, laziness central. You change into pajamas, eat, then sleep. It's like-- like  being a baby again. Or a senior citizen.

Friday, March 11, 2011


I was eating an Odwalla bar today and I looked on the back for the nutrition facts. It was 220 calories for that thin piece of almond... Well, I ate it anyway. Didn't taste that good. Was disappointed :(

Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Laughing like an amnesiac, trying to get my senses back." -Laughing With a Mouth of Blood

It seems to me that I don't listen as well as I used to. Or speak, for that matter. Isn't that strange? Because, you know, when I'm not thinking at all, it just all comes easier. But when I try, I mean actually try to articulate something... It comes out jumbled. It's confusing, because a lot of times, I can't figure out my own thoughts without talking or writing. Now I can't talk or write. I'm all clogged up, like toilet tissue. This blog is nice because I can write without as much pressure. So. Thanks. For listening, I mean.
     Assuming this didn't sound too dramatic, I'm going to rant every once in a while. About anything, about everything. I hope it'll stay interesting!


I'm not sure what that TV show is, but it seemed like the perfect heading for this page.
     Welcome to my girly, emotional world.

Haven't we all been there? We are trying to convey our feelings and somewhere between our brain and our throat, it gets stuck. Just how does one talk about their (ew) feelings on the internet?
     Today, I accidentally turned off my alarm clock instead of pressing snooze and panicked later on when I really woke up.
     Panic is an emotion. Hopefully, I'll get better at this as I go on.
     If I lived in Glee, this would so not be a problem.

Dude. This is seriously hard.
I don't have many story-worthy feelings.
Today, I'll write about something different:
I'll tell you about some of my (hopefully) new friends. They are "Potentials." I am thrilled~
Erik (Squintarella): He's much prettier than I am and looks something like an Asian Snow White. We (Sarah Gar. and I) were calling him cute all day long and he didn't lash out at all. That wins him points in my book :D
Kyle: His job is to be annoying. Sorry. That's all I could come up with :|
Shira: sits next to me in band. As far as I can tell, she's totally sweet!!

I will continue to update on the Potentials.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sample Pics

Sample of my work. To the right, I have opened up a request page (that is, if you like the drawing cuz you might not and stuff and in that case I would sound totally conceited... yeah okay)
For a larger image, just click (:

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Calcium Deficiency

I used to be a normal girl.
     But that's all over now. I supposed it started when I was IM'ing on Gmail. 
     I was typing at rapid-fire speed, smiling to myself, when--
     There was a shooting pain in my wrist.
    Okay, back to the un-italicized reality. I told my mom what happened and she rattled off immediately, "You have a calcium deficiency. Drink more milk." I think this is definitely solid evidence for my case "There is Such Thing as a Secret Mothering University."


School Life (in all its raw glory) update (3/8/11)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I got a 89.88% in history. I fail in life.

B? B's aren't cool. You know what's cool? An A. Yes, I just totally ripped off the Social Network. But you know what I mean, right? An F definitely sucks of course, but a B+ is just so frustrating. It's like-- how Moses spent over 40 years trying to get to Canaan. After wandering the desert for those long, long years, they finally arrive upon it. He can actually SEE the city! And then... he dies.
     B+'s blow.
Yes sir; yes, I do. I'd like to have a plastic poo to go with my pretty purple plastic zoo. In this zoo, things go moo. These things that moo need plastic poo.

This is my blog, the "my" referring to me, AKA Somi, who's favorite word often has something to do with bafflement. Stick with me for a few minutes, 'kay? I can almost guarantee that you won't decide to kill your goldfish in a fit of rage after reading.