Thursday, March 10, 2011


I'm not sure what that TV show is, but it seemed like the perfect heading for this page.
     Welcome to my girly, emotional world.

Haven't we all been there? We are trying to convey our feelings and somewhere between our brain and our throat, it gets stuck. Just how does one talk about their (ew) feelings on the internet?
     Today, I accidentally turned off my alarm clock instead of pressing snooze and panicked later on when I really woke up.
     Panic is an emotion. Hopefully, I'll get better at this as I go on.
     If I lived in Glee, this would so not be a problem.

Dude. This is seriously hard.
I don't have many story-worthy feelings.
Today, I'll write about something different:
I'll tell you about some of my (hopefully) new friends. They are "Potentials." I am thrilled~
Erik (Squintarella): He's much prettier than I am and looks something like an Asian Snow White. We (Sarah Gar. and I) were calling him cute all day long and he didn't lash out at all. That wins him points in my book :D
Kyle: His job is to be annoying. Sorry. That's all I could come up with :|
Shira: sits next to me in band. As far as I can tell, she's totally sweet!!

I will continue to update on the Potentials.

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