Saturday, March 19, 2011

Long, Long, LONG Update

We are.... SUPERIOR!
Let me explain.
Today was Band Festival. Our school band performed, and we were rated SUPERIOR. I just feel that has to be emphasized: SUPERIOR. Something that has to be emphasized even more, however, is the fact that Mr. Macomber.... smiled. Yes. That thing you do with your mouth when you're happy (Insert: "ooOOOH, are you thinking something weird?" "Assumption Song! There was an old man-" "OHMYGOSH, NOLAN, SHUT UP"). This is such an awesome phenomenon not even the CAPS button can stress how amazing it is. I like Mr. Macomber's smile. It's like. I dunno. Happy and stuff. Happier than the average person, cuz the average person smiles more. But. Well.
You know.
I still think this is big news.

Next order of business is.. GLEE!
The Regionals episode was surprisingly emotional. They've started this love triangle again between Quinn, Finn, and Rachel. Personally, I think Finn and Rachel should be together, if only for the reason that rhyming couples are tacky. FINN AND QUINN. Gosh, that sounds like a new age cafe, you know? Like the kind of cafe where they serve only organic foods and where they use beer bottles as salt shakers.

And finally... I lost Cheese :(
Now, I know what you're going to say... Have you checked the Lost and Found? No, because I just remembered about that as I typed it.
I'll check the Lost and Found.

Well, that concludes this ridiculously long update! Sayonara!

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