Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Laughing like an amnesiac, trying to get my senses back." -Laughing With a Mouth of Blood

It seems to me that I don't listen as well as I used to. Or speak, for that matter. Isn't that strange? Because, you know, when I'm not thinking at all, it just all comes easier. But when I try, I mean actually try to articulate something... It comes out jumbled. It's confusing, because a lot of times, I can't figure out my own thoughts without talking or writing. Now I can't talk or write. I'm all clogged up, like toilet tissue. This blog is nice because I can write without as much pressure. So. Thanks. For listening, I mean.
     Assuming this didn't sound too dramatic, I'm going to rant every once in a while. About anything, about everything. I hope it'll stay interesting!

1 comment:

  1. i hope so to, cause i didn't become a follower for nothing
