Friday, March 25, 2011

Gorgeous Legs

"Whose gorgeous legs?"
You are asking.
Just kidding.
Not really.
OK, to the point! I've recently had an obsession with legs. Thighs, calves, chicken drumsticks, etc. Long legs are so beautiful (refer to NANA). Skinny legs go really well with lots of clothes. Fat thighs or calves have like, character. They could all be characters in a dialogue. Like this!

Skinny L: (whining) I'm so bo-hooored!
Skinny L: So. Booo-hooooored! I want. To do. Something!
Fat T: Shut up, you little brat! You know what I did when I was your age? I was sewing jeans using slaughtered unicorn horns for needles!
Skinny L: (starts shaking) S-slaughtered unicorn horns?
Fat T: That's right! So you better shut that skinny mouth o' yours before I shut it for you!
Long L: Now, now, let's calm down everyone. Skinny Legs, relax. Unicorns don't exist.
Skinny L: (starts sobbing harder)
Long L: And Fat T, you shouldn't be so mean to children.
Fat T:Whatdayou know 'bout children? I don't supposed you ever had no children! Why, I had my first daughter when I was just-
Skinny L: WAAAH! (collapses to ground, racked with tears)
Oprah: (rubbing Skinny L's back) Shh, shh. It's alright now.

...the end.
Ciao ciao, for now~
That rhymes~
I love things that rhyme~
G'night :)

1 comment:

  1. wow... completely random... but great story anyway.. just needs a better ending.
