Monday, March 21, 2011

Lazy Monday

Today was a Pupil Free Day. My original plan of working hard and being productive came to a tumbling halt as I overslept and woke up at 10:30 AM. I then proceeded to not work, and instead, went berzerk on Facebook and Gmail. After that totally worthwhile detour, I killed about three hours eating, showering, watching reruns of What I Like About You, and trying not to sleep.  The the five hours between then and now are lost to me, I have no idea what I did. However, I have utmost confidence that it resulted in Absolutely Nothing.
     It is now 7:36 PM and I have completed... one page of math homework. High-five?


  1. great job. Just what your math teacher wanted eh?

  2. well its okay. i slept till 1... and did nothing. i did my hw at 10 at night -__-"
